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Driver Package drve624xw10.exe
Win 10 64bit
Supply date 18.02.2019
Made downloads 9684

This full driver package is compatible to the following product series:
  • MEDION AKOYA E6245 Serie
  • MEDION AKOYA E6246 Serie
  • MEDION AKOYA E6247 Serie
  • MEDION AKOYA E6248 Serie

To extract all files press the "Extract"-Button. The files will be extracted to the folder specified in the "Folder"-Field. This folder will be created, if it does not exist.


1. Unzip the downloaded file into a created folder on your harddisk and start the install.cmd file afterwards by rightclicking it with the option "Run as administrator".

2. The installation process will be started afterwards.

For any errors, caused by the execution of this update, we don´ t accept any responsibility for damage or lost of data.The customer agrees with that fact by executing the update.

  [size: 0.00 Bytes , ca. 0 sek. / ISDN] Download